In this one, Cody, Eddie and I talk the movie Willow, Michael Jackson and The Lord of the Rings. Enjoy!
In this one, Cody Villafana joins Eddie Pence and I and we talk Orson Welles, Lost Movies, Weird Al Yankovic and we rank our Top 10 Star Wars Moments. Enjoy!
In this one our buddy Barry Laminack drops by and we talk Star Wars, Sports, Black Sabbath, Top 10 Front People in music and Philly Sports Fans defecating on a baby. Enjoy!
In this one, Eddie Pence and I are joined by Tom Bissell and Owen King, we talk Transformers, G.I. Joe and all kinds of good shit. It's double-sized Ramble Annual! Enjoy!
In this one, Eddie Pence and I talk Cher, High School Football, Missing gigs, Sad Indiana Jones and we rank our top 10 GI Joe and Cobra characters. Enjoy!