In this one, Cody, Eddie and Jerry debut the Ramble in the Morning radio show! Enjoy!
Eddie and Jerry got Cody to finally watch Aliens. Enjoy!
In this one, Eddie, Cody and Jerry talk "stuff" talk, Bands who lost their frontperson, The Foo Fighters, TV Families and so much more. Enjoy!
In this one, Jerry, Eddie and Cody talk the NHL Playoffs, The Batman and so much more. Enjoy!
In this one, Cody, Eddie and Jerry talk Transformers and Ozzy. Enjoy!
In this one, Jerry and Eddie get Cody to watch movies. The first Episode is Predator. Enjoy!
In this one, Eddie, Jerry and Cody talk putting Jesse "The Body" Ventura in every movie, Weezer, Transformers and underrated 90's albums. Enjoy!
In this one, Jerry, Eddie and Cody talk how odd sports are during Covid 19. Enjoy!
In this one, Cody, Jerry and Eddie talk the Transformers Netflix show and so much more. Enjoy!
In this one, Eddie, Cody and Jerry talk Wilford Brimley, the highest rated show in the tri state area has a moment, Ray Charles, Cody has never seen Aliens, The Thing and so much more. Enjoy!
In this one, Jerry, Eddie and Cody talk sexist covid denying car dealers and so much more. Enjoy!
In this one, Cody, Jerry and Eddie talk bowel movements, sports and Dex. Enjoy!
In this one Eddie, Jerry and Cody, talk Wilford Brimley, The pains of collecting, Samurai Movies, John Hughes, Biz Markie and so much more. Enjoy!
In this one, Jerry, Eddie and Cody talk Wilford Brimley, Wrasslin and so much more. Enjoy!