In this one, I talk weed, shrooms, Batman V Superman, Garry Shandling, Phife Dawg, Penis, Vagina, Hall of Fame and give my Top 10 Tribe Called Quest songs. Enjoy!
In this one, I talk about Coyotes, Political TV Networks, Ghost Hunting, Stupid Clothes, Friends and rank my Top 10 Robots. Enjoy!
In this one, I talk about dickheads, traffic, love, gun control and rank my Top 10 Best Openings to a Movie. Enjoy!
In this one, I talk about Chinese Food, My Mom getting into fights at concerts, Believing lunatics, The Predator movies and I rank the top 10 moments of both Predator and Predator 2. Enjoy!
In this one, I talk about being a music snob, video games, books and my Top 10 Movies of 2015. Enjoy!