In this one, Eddie and Jerry (Cody day baseballed us) talk boy bands, Smokey Robinson, Video Game villains and so much more. Enjoy!!
In this one, Jerry, Eddie and Cody talk awful Dallas Cowboy moments and talk Scott Player... at lot. Enjoy!
In this one, Cody, Eddie and Jerry talk, Boy Bands, First CDs and so much more. Enjoy!
In this one Eddie, Jerry and Cody talk AC/DC, The Lovin' Spoonful, The Doors and so much more. Enjoy!
In this one, Jerry, Eddie and Cody talk AEW All In and so much more. Enjoy!
In this one Cody, Jerry and Eddie talk high school pranks, Ted Lasso, What If? and we add our final nominees for the DumpaPOOHlooza Stall of Fame fest! Enjoy!
In this one Cody, Jerry and Eddie talk high school pranks, Ted Lasso, What If? and we add our final nominees for the DumpaPOOHlooza Stall of Fame fest! Enjoy!
In this one, Eddie, Cody and Jerry talk The Rolling Stones and so much more. Enjoy!